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The Customer Journey: Step 2 of Method Seven

Any marketing expert knows that the success of a sales strategy is not based solely on the presentation of the product or service. For a shopping experience to be truly effective, it is essential to understand every step of the customer journey, from first contact to post-purchase. Today, as part of the Method Seven covered in my book “Selli More in Seven Steps”, we explore Step 2: Journey Mapping or “Customer Journey”.

Why is Journey Mapping so crucial?

The digital era has raised consumer expectations. A Salesforce survey found that a staggering 88% of customers expect a personalized shopping experience. This is where Journey Mapping comes into play, as it allows us to visualize and understand each stage of the customer journey and, consequently, offer them experiences tailored to their needs and desires.

The crucial moments of the Journey

Before diving into the art of mapping, it is essential to understand the most critical moments that define the relationship with our customers:

  • Zero Moment of Truth (ZMOT): When the user starts searching for a product or service.
  • First Moment of Truth (FMOT): The customer’s first impression of your products or services.
  • Second Moment of Truth (SMOT): Post-purchase interactions, when the customer tests or experiments with what they have purchased.
  • Ultimate Moment of Truth (UMOT): When the customer shares his experience, influencing the ZMOT of other users.

As I mentioned in my review of the book “X: The Experience When Business Meets Design” by Brian Solis, these moments are vital. They act as touch points that we can influence to ensure that the customer experience is positive and therefore drives loyalty and sales.

Momentos de la verdad por Salvador Vilalta

The Journey Mapping tool

Journey Mapping is a visual tool that shows us every step a customer takes with our brand. It spans from the first contact, through the purchase decision and beyond. It is essential that this map includes both online and offline interactions, and covers all touch points, from our website to customer service.

Using tools such as
UXPressiayou can objectively visualize your customers’ journey, identify pain or friction points, and uncover opportunities to improve the experience.

How to Create Effective Journey Mapping

  • Define the phases: Based on the example of a hotel customer, the phases could be: Discovery, Pre-stay, Stay, Post-stay and Loyalty.
  • Set the objectives: What does the customer want to achieve at each stage?
  • Identify touch points: Where does the customer interact with your brand?
  • Experience map: How does the customer feel at each stage?
  • Storyboard: A graphical representation of the client’s process.
  • Quoting Section: Client’s thoughts and feelings.
  • Pain points: Problems that the client may face.
  • Satisfaction points: Aspects that the customer would value.
  • Ideas: Proposals to improve customer experience.

It is crucial to remember that, although this effort is fundamental, customers can take unexpected paths (customer journey hacking). It is always good to be attentive and ready to adapt to your changing needs.

Once you have defined your Journey Mapping, it is essential to translate it into tangible actions and processes. As a preview, these ‘Journeys’ or processes are the cornerstone of automation, a topic we will address later in our Method 7.


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